Hetalia MBTI

If you love cheesy humor, you'll love Hetalia. I seriously can't stop laughing when I watch it... History shall never be the same...

Italy- ENFP
Germany- ISTJ
America- ESTP
Britain- ISTP
France- ESFP
Russia- INFP
China- ESTJ
Japan- INFJ
Ukraine- ISFJ
Belarus- ENTJ
Spain- ENTP
Prussia- ESTP
Austria- INTJ
Poland- ESFP
Hungary- ISFP
Cuba- ENTJ
Netherlands- ISFJ
Greece- INFJ
Turkey- ESTJ
Romano- ENTP
Switzerland- ISTJ
Liechtenstein- ISFP
Sweden- ISTJ
Finland- ENFP
Sealand- ESFP
Denmark- ESTP
Holy Roman Empire- INTP

Yah... So if you have any questions or concerns comment below!!! Love you all!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm holy Roman Empire! You don't get to see a lot of him though
