All John Green MBTI

Heyo!!! I personally love John Green (and have since before TFiOS came out in theatres, actually before the movie was even scheduled I might add haha) and I figured many others do as well. I figured I would just type all of his books in one posts to save some time. So... here we go!!!

Looking for Alaska-

Miles "Pudge" Halter- ISFP
Alaska Young- ESTP
Chip "Colonel" Martin- ENTJ
Takumi Hikohito- INFP
Lara Buterskaya- ISFJ
Mr. Starnes "The Eagle"- ESTJ

An Abundance of Katherines (my favorite :))-

Colin Singleton- INTP
Hassan Harbish- ESFP
Lindsey Lee Wells- INFJ
Hollis Wells- ENFJ
The Other Colin "TOC"-ESTP

 Let it Snow-

Tobin- ISFP
Angie "Duke"- INFP
Keun- ESTP
Timmy Reston- ISTJ
Tommy Reston- ESTJ

Paper Towns-

Quentin “Q” Jacobsen- INFP
Margo Roth Spiegelman- INFJ
Ben Starling- ESTP
Marcus “Radar” Lincoln- ISTP
Lacey Pemberton- ENFJ

Will Grayson, will grayson (to be honest, I didn't finish this one so feel free to tell me to fix things:))-

Will Grayson- INFJ
will grayson- INTJ
Tiny Cooper- ESFP
Jane Turner- ENTP

The Fault in Our Stars-

Hazel Grace Lancaster- INFP
Augustus Waters- ENFJ
Isaac- ISFP 
Patrick- ENFP
Peter Van Houten- ISTJ
Lidewij Vliegenthart- ENFP


John Green- INFP

Moment of honesty... I haven't read a lot of these books in a really long time so feel free to comment and suggest ideas of your own!!! Love you all!!!!!


  1. I really feel like Margo Roth Spiegelman (Paper Towns) is more ENFJ. She definitely seemed more extroverted to me...

  2. Yea, I'd agree completely. An enfj myself I can tell you for a fact when our self esteem is low we can shrivel into the shadows and seem like introverts. Margo's self esteem would be at rock bottom considering events, it's no wonder she might seem to the outside observer.

  3. Oh please! Margo's an ENFP for sure!!!!!!!!

  4. Oh please! Margo's an ENFP for sure!!!!!!!!

    1. 100% agree. As ENFP itself, I'm kinda similar to Margo.

  5. But Hazel Grace is also more INFJ

  6. I really see Margo as an INFJ.
    As many people think of her as an extrovert, we know that she has been there many fantastic places by herself and even when she was with people in those places she preferred to be alone writing. She only shares her world with specific people, as if they were little secrets, and there are things the Q knows only about other people. Many types are prone to flee from home, such as Ne-dom, Se-dom / aux, but she does not simply leave home, she has an elaborate plan, leads left by various locations, hidden meanings in every clue, every conversation. It is not ideas / actions that "jump" (Ne-dom / aux), are ideas / actions that are deepened. Maybe she is in more contact with Se-inf because she is in a grip, we know that Q's mother thinks she is BPD although Q does not agree, she has impulsive characteristics, suicidal ideation and maybe self-mutilation.
    As an INFJ I can relate to her a lot.

    "Margo loved the mystery until she became one."
    Margo has always been a mystery to all, before she even left.

    Sorry for the bad English, it's not my first language.

    1. P. S:- She have s-u-i-c-i-d-e ideation and maybe s-e-l-f–h-a-r-m too. For some reason don't appear in the text

  7. Colonel is not ENTJ! I personally thought of him more like an ISTP or ESTP (a bit more of an ISTP)
    From the other books I have read I agree though :)

  8. As an INFP who has read Paper Towns and is very familiar with all John Green's books, I don't think Q ( Quentin) is INFP, he seems quite frankly very judgmental and saying people " just are" a certain way. I feel like most INFP's have strong morals suggesting everyone is equal and nobody's a bad person, etc. I also think Margo and Alaska are ENFPs.
